
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Here come's the sun...

I know... I promised myself I would write another post before the weekend was over, and here I sit and it's Tuesday night. My bad.... Anyways, I got distracted this weekend. I did start a new painting, and those who are already on my facebook page has already seen all of these pictures, but I want to share them anyways.   As usual, I am not going to post another picture of my current painting until it is finished, and this time I will only post it on my blog first before I post on my Artist Facebook page. 
Gorgeous day today in Galveston, TX.

Last Monday as you know I lost my job, so this Monday a friend and I went job hunting together. We had fun , we went to lunch and scouted out places to leave our resumes. Job hunting is always better with a friend. Today, I did more volunteer work with another friend in Galveston Island, Texas. As you can see above, after we were done we went to the beach. The weather was perfect today, and there was a nice breeze going on. I wish I had brought some more appropriate clothing so I could have gone further into the water but maybe next time. Tomorrow, I get to stay home and clean my casa, and do a little painting. Then in the afternoon, more job hunting.  Well, I'm sorry I don't have much else to say. So y'all will have to wait till I am done with my painting. I hope y'all love it!  Have a good night friends!

Love,  Jessica!~~~

Thursday, October 20, 2011

An artist is their own worse crtic...

 Well, I don't have a whole lot to update y'all with, but I did loose my job this Monday, which stinks. But life moves on ya know? I'm not to bummed out about it. It wasn't my favorite job, but it is kind of bittersweet, I needed the money but didn't like the job. Oh well, but it was convenient that I was let go from my job this week cause I got to go hang with friends in my volunteer ministry work, and come home and paint and jam out to music all day long! Which was great, and very much needed ! I think I am finished with another painting, comments are welcome!  Pictures are below :) :) :) ....

The whole painting... Yeah I know she has a big butt, and I like it, haha.


Close up of the woman..

 My little pup even likes to help me paint. Anyway, I'm at the point where I think I am finished with the painting, but I do listen to suggestions. Anyways, back on the subject of losing my job. I think I am going to switch gears this time in my job hunting. I am going to try and leave my resumes at Art Galleries, or any kind of artsy store where I could potentially learn something. I think I would enjoy working at that type of place. Plus, major bonus if I could learn how to matte and make prints of my work. Still some what confused on how to do that, even after taking that awesome art class with Kelly Rae Roberts. One of my favorite artists from back up north. Portland, Oregon , on a side note y'all should go visit there, it's awesome!! Anyways, I am confused on how to make large prints. One day, I would love to be able to successfully sell originals and prints of my artwork. Also, maybe open my own gallery or art store. That's the future though, presently I'm happy just blogging and painting to my heart's desire. Well, I hope everyone enjoys their evening! I'll update y'all again before the fast approaching weekend is over ! :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home....

I am so glad it's the weekend! However,  I have been feeling quite homesick still. I want to plan a visit back home to Washington, or to my 2nd home in Oregon area. I miss the beauty and total vibe that I used to have up North. I miss my family and my friends also. I hope sometime next spring / summer time I can plan a trip up north to see my family. I miss the area and people so much!

Me Just outside of Pike place market. Seattle, WA.

Not sure why but I love this pic, partially looking out into Puget sound, beautiful in person.

Anyways, I love all of you and appreciate those who read my blog! I've started painting again, I'll post the finished painting sometime this week, so stay tuned! :-P

Monday, October 10, 2011

4 years of Marriage

Hello world. It's Monday and it was my first day back to work, and the end of my 4 day weekend. It was wonderful . My 4 year anniversary was Thursday October 6th.  I've enjoyed 4 years with a wonderful man. Granted, we have definitely have had our ups and down's, but he has been a very loving and supportive husband.  On the day of our Anniversary, he took me to Kemah boardwalk here in Texas. We would have went somewhere else but he was on call with his job and we couldn't stray to far from home.  We went to the aquarium restaurant and ate some good seafood. Then walked around the boardwalk for a while, rode on a few rides, ( I was screaming). I also got him to take a few photo's of us in a photo booth below. :)
           He of course did not smile in any of the pictures. Figures lol, but I gotta love him!

      My husband had told me  my anniversary gift this year ( and the next 30 years) would be our new house, lol. Okay, I was totally cool with that for this year, so I didn't buy him anything. Shame on me, cause he fooled me! He did buy me something and it was a total surprise! So thoughtful  of him. He bought me a cute little stool and an awesome easel. Which was something that was on my wish list for my studio. He is so sweet!

I loooooooooooooooooove it! Anyways, besides my anniversary, we enjoyed a long weekend celebrating some friends of ours anniversary of 10 years, April & Darryll,we love them very much!  Besides that we ate out, (too much), and took lots of naps and spent time at home together. I plan on painting this week, on my new easel :)... But i have to end this post here cause I have a dog groomer about to come over and give the little brat a bath. She is being a stinker today!!! Can't wait till she grows out of chewing on everything. My lil puppy, gotta love her! Love all of you and enjoy the rest of your day!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Been unbalanced and busy!

Well I owe myself and whoever reads this an apology. I have definately been MIA the last few weeks. :) A few things have changed, and probably for the better, but I haven't gotten a chance to paint which disappoints me . I guess that's just part of my process of tying to find my balance.

        Well, to start out by updating you, I still have the same job . Which kind of stinks but it's still a job. I just hope that I find something new soon. Most of you already know, but I got a puppy!! She is darling! The beginning there was a bit of a rough patch. I knew getting a little puppy was going to be some work , but man, just kind of like marriage expeirencing it was different. Plus it is absolutely no fun when you have allergies and feel misserable. I decided to keep her though , she is a handful but she is a cutie and I am figuring out different ways to potty train her and for her to get more comfortable staying in her crate at night. :)

LOL , and there the lil stinker is. She tries to take over my bed. But this little girl is not potty trained yet so nope!  Through this process though I am a little disappointed by some things that happened, but that's life. Life happens, people make mistakes, and we can either choose to work through them or just move on, aye? lol

Something else that I quite didn't expect, but my hubby really is starting to like her!! So that's good, see they have something in common that they like doing, taking naps!!

            Anyways,  I need a game plan! I miss my ministry, and I miss only having to work 3 days a week. I was working 5 days a week with my current job, but I managed to get it down to 4 days a week.  So maybe I'll take a Microsoft word class in the mean time, casually look for a new job and give myself back a few hours a week to paint. I miss it so much.  Plus the little baby is content playing with her toys, lol. I plan on updating yall again soon with more pictures and what I am up to! It's a Friday afternoon, and I am going to go find something useful to do. :)

  To end with a quote....
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing  you will be successful." - Herman Cain"

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Feeling inspired and nervous

Well, I had a nice long 4 day weekend. Much of it was spent alone, but it's okay. My husband was on call for his job. He got called in alot, he is a good provider. I heart him so much!~

    Anyways, It's been a few days since I have last posted anything but that doesn't mean that I haven't been up to nothing !!!  Yes, I'll admit , I took alot of naps over the weekend , hehe . I needed the extra sleep. I painted a little bit, but mostly just sat around and sketched , " doodling " more ideas for paintings .  I am surprised with myself , in the last week I have released my inner creativity . It's exciting ,  and is inspiring me to paint more and more .  Usually,Ii search google for hours on end looking at other people's paintings, or photographs of exotic cultures and european cities.  I love painting people, women especially, I think women are beautiful to paint. I love painting animals, and landscapes, different cultures, flowers and more. One day I would like to paint portraits, and pet portraits. That would be cool.

     I love my new house so much and my new studio ( in process of being finished). Trying to make some cash from my job and selling paintings before I can be completely settled , but I love it just as it is right now.  Currently it's BRIGHT Green , one of my absolute favorite colors.  I feel inspired and energized whenever I see this room. Check it out so far!!

Isn't it so pretty and bright?! I adore it! One day soon, I will have a better easel , & a comfty chair to sit in. Cause sitting on the ground after a while my back starts to hurt!

I am getting pretty close to finishing a painting soon .  I have the canvas covered, and it's okay so far... I like it , but I can't wait until it is done and I see the finished result ! That's my favorite part.  I would have liked to paint more on it tonight but the paint is to wet .  I keep picking up colors I don't want to with my brush . So maybe by tomorrow evening it will be dry enough that I can continue. But guuuueesss what, I am going to give ya'll a sneak peek!

Trust me, it will look better when I am finished. Any suggestions, anyone? I like suggestions!

      Well it's been a long day and I have to go back to work tomorrow, bah !! Goodnight friends ~~

P.S -  Some of my paintings will be showcased tonight on, see my online shop at : , I hope that link works for ya'll! Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Creative BURSTS!

WHEW! WHAT....A....DAY!!!  Today was quite busy at my "day job". Phones ringing off the hook, and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. But, towards my lunch time, I had some free time, so i decided to doodle. Usually, ( in my opinion) I am not very good at sketching. I am fair at it, but I could be better. We all can improve on something. While sketching my doodle, ( i giggle whenever I say that word), i drew a little picture, I know what my next painting is going to be now! I can see it much more clearly in my head. I could post a picture of the little piece of scrap paper that I drew on to give you an idea, buuuuut I am going to make ya'll wait until I paint it. :)  It's hopefully going to look pretty cool. Something entirely different then what I normally paint, a little on the abstract side. << So this is my creative burst for the day. A phrase that is commonly used by my precious friend, Juanita, ( I love her so much) !!  Back on track, In my opinion, I am not a very abstract painter. So I have to finish my current painting that I am working on so I can get started on this new one in my head. Still, I am not quite so sure what my "style" of painting is yet. What I will be "known for".  But  I guess we will both figure that out later on down the road.

    Anyhoozle, changing subjects on ya'll now. I got off work at 2 o' clock as normal. So i decided to FINALLY  go get my registration sticker for my car . I got there and you guessed it, big long line.  An hour later, and it's my turn  in line, this is the part where I insert foot in mouth, the gentleman asked me if it was my current address on my license. Which for those of you who know me personally, know that I currently moved into a new home. So of course, when he asked if the address on my license was my current address, i blurted out, " No, I moved." , and this is where he directed me to a different court house in my new county. Such a waste of my time, he could have given me the sticker. Oh well. Guess I need to do it tomorrow or sometime next week. :) Didn't let this ruin my day. Well, I did promise myself yesterday that today I was going to paint, and I am going to go do just that. Enjoy the rest of your day my friends!~~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How did I get here?

I was driving home from work today, not feeling very well. I decided to stop off at this copy place to inquire about them making prints of my paintings. Apparently, the painting I want to make prints of, is to large for their scanner. They gave me a few suggestions. So I drove home and did a little research.... Man, making copies of your art work is... EXPENSIVE!  That familiar phrase seems to come to mind, "It takes money... to make money " .  Unless I want a 8x10 inch print, which is much to small for this painting. So here I sit asking myself, " How on earth did I get here ?" Lol, If things start getting difficult , I give up, usually because I think I am going to fail, so I might as well quit before I get really to much into this, and just do what I want to do. But.... This is what I want to do, sooo I can't quit. There are so many things right now that are different in my life, then 6 months ago and I'd like to think for the better. So i absolutely can't give up now. Besides I hear a couple people whispering, sometimes yelling in my ear, " Don't give up! Take it one day at a time, just sit down and paint! - Believe in yourself, you can do it!" So, tomorrow I am going to do just that, I am going to just sit down and paint...

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Beginnings...

Hello all! My name is Jessica , this is my first blog, and my first post!! I am not sure what to say. Except that I am trying to start my own business. :) I love painting and I love art!  Right now I am trying to start my own blog, website, facebook site, and etsy shop, ( all coming soon ). :)...  At the moment I am in my 4th week of an online e-course on how to start your own business, operated by Kelly Rae Roberts, one of my favorite artists. I wish to pursue my painting, and to sell them.

    Currently I work as a receptionist at a local company that offers services for people with mental retardation. I answer phones, files papers, sort mail and the such.  Initially I thought I wanted to go to school for Medical Billing and coding, but the more I am told that it's possible to sell my paintings, the more I am starting to believe that I just might be able to do so.  I have always just been to afraid that they wouldn't sell or that I could never make a living on selling art. At this point though, I am willing to give it a shot.  I have a very loving husband, Irwin. He is very supportive to things I want to try and do. I love him very much. We just bought our first home together and I am ready to start a new chapter in my life. Let's hope this journey goes well .  Enjoy your night everyone. :-D