
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Creative BURSTS!

WHEW! WHAT....A....DAY!!!  Today was quite busy at my "day job". Phones ringing off the hook, and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. But, towards my lunch time, I had some free time, so i decided to doodle. Usually, ( in my opinion) I am not very good at sketching. I am fair at it, but I could be better. We all can improve on something. While sketching my doodle, ( i giggle whenever I say that word), i drew a little picture, I know what my next painting is going to be now! I can see it much more clearly in my head. I could post a picture of the little piece of scrap paper that I drew on to give you an idea, buuuuut I am going to make ya'll wait until I paint it. :)  It's hopefully going to look pretty cool. Something entirely different then what I normally paint, a little on the abstract side. << So this is my creative burst for the day. A phrase that is commonly used by my precious friend, Juanita, ( I love her so much) !!  Back on track, In my opinion, I am not a very abstract painter. So I have to finish my current painting that I am working on so I can get started on this new one in my head. Still, I am not quite so sure what my "style" of painting is yet. What I will be "known for".  But  I guess we will both figure that out later on down the road.

    Anyhoozle, changing subjects on ya'll now. I got off work at 2 o' clock as normal. So i decided to FINALLY  go get my registration sticker for my car . I got there and you guessed it, big long line.  An hour later, and it's my turn  in line, this is the part where I insert foot in mouth, the gentleman asked me if it was my current address on my license. Which for those of you who know me personally, know that I currently moved into a new home. So of course, when he asked if the address on my license was my current address, i blurted out, " No, I moved." , and this is where he directed me to a different court house in my new county. Such a waste of my time, he could have given me the sticker. Oh well. Guess I need to do it tomorrow or sometime next week. :) Didn't let this ruin my day. Well, I did promise myself yesterday that today I was going to paint, and I am going to go do just that. Enjoy the rest of your day my friends!~~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How did I get here?

I was driving home from work today, not feeling very well. I decided to stop off at this copy place to inquire about them making prints of my paintings. Apparently, the painting I want to make prints of, is to large for their scanner. They gave me a few suggestions. So I drove home and did a little research.... Man, making copies of your art work is... EXPENSIVE!  That familiar phrase seems to come to mind, "It takes money... to make money " .  Unless I want a 8x10 inch print, which is much to small for this painting. So here I sit asking myself, " How on earth did I get here ?" Lol, If things start getting difficult , I give up, usually because I think I am going to fail, so I might as well quit before I get really to much into this, and just do what I want to do. But.... This is what I want to do, sooo I can't quit. There are so many things right now that are different in my life, then 6 months ago and I'd like to think for the better. So i absolutely can't give up now. Besides I hear a couple people whispering, sometimes yelling in my ear, " Don't give up! Take it one day at a time, just sit down and paint! - Believe in yourself, you can do it!" So, tomorrow I am going to do just that, I am going to just sit down and paint...

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Beginnings...

Hello all! My name is Jessica , this is my first blog, and my first post!! I am not sure what to say. Except that I am trying to start my own business. :) I love painting and I love art!  Right now I am trying to start my own blog, website, facebook site, and etsy shop, ( all coming soon ). :)...  At the moment I am in my 4th week of an online e-course on how to start your own business, operated by Kelly Rae Roberts, one of my favorite artists. I wish to pursue my painting, and to sell them.

    Currently I work as a receptionist at a local company that offers services for people with mental retardation. I answer phones, files papers, sort mail and the such.  Initially I thought I wanted to go to school for Medical Billing and coding, but the more I am told that it's possible to sell my paintings, the more I am starting to believe that I just might be able to do so.  I have always just been to afraid that they wouldn't sell or that I could never make a living on selling art. At this point though, I am willing to give it a shot.  I have a very loving husband, Irwin. He is very supportive to things I want to try and do. I love him very much. We just bought our first home together and I am ready to start a new chapter in my life. Let's hope this journey goes well .  Enjoy your night everyone. :-D