
Monday, August 13, 2012

In Good Company...

Today, I had a few friends over to paint... Nice way to start my week. Been working on a painting for going on what 5 weeks now? Not constant of course... And there have been times where I was totally frustrated with it, and just couldn't stand the site of it for another minute... lol That actually happens with every single painting I do.. I don't know if that is bad or good. I always eventually need to take a step back ... Smell the roses and grab a cup of tea or coffee, and analyze what I have done. Usually when I sit back down to paint on it again, it doesn't look as bad as when I left it.  I guess that is how your supposed to look at a painting. To look at a painting from a distance. Up close after a while.... it looks like a bunch of annoying random blobs sometimes, haha. But if you step back you can sometimes appreciate it more for what it is.
        Anyways, back to my  day.. I had my friend Cami over and another girl I had went out in service with not to long ago named Alice. I had a fun day. They brought over their own canvases and paints and we all worked on our own art. All of our art soooo different from each other's but all pretty in their own way. That's why I love art, some you don't care for very much and some art you love. All depends on what calls upon your soul I guess.  Everyone art is different from another person's art, some people take their time and create things as they go, some have the ability to create art in a few days, in the end it's art. It's what an individual can create. It can be a release. No matter what form your "art"  is in. I'm just babbling now. Back to what I was talking about, we listened to some tunes, drank some yummy tea, and enjoyed each other's company. I got to know a new friend in the mean time.  Anyways, it's late and this was my "break" haha. Love all who reads this, and at that goodnight friends.

 A sneak peak on my current project...


I love the above picture, so true. I got this pic off one of my favorite artists website, Kelly Rae Roberts. From one of my favorite cities Portland, Oregon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


I had a wonderful day!! Our neighbors  invited us over this morning for breakfast, home made waffles if i may add. They were delicious and we had a fun time with good friends.. It was good to have a few laughs and my hubby had the day off. After breakfast we played this game  called, " Go to the head of the class" or something along those lines. The exact name of the game has slipped my mind, but it was fun. I don't think I would ever be brave enough to go on that game show
"Are you smarter than a 5th grader." I would probably fail, sadly. haha.

After a fun filled morning, I came home and just had a relaxing afternoon at home, had a nice simple and relaxing day. Worked a little on my new painting, which I will post a preview of.  What I have done of the space needle, is now erased. Not on purpose but it's okay, cause I didn't like it anyways. I had accidentally sprayed to much quick dry on it, and it melted all down the canvas. Initially , my puppy was in my lap and I had looked away. I was ready to blame her, but then realized it was the spray. I thinned the paint to much. Ooops... I quickly apologized to the pup.. I am not quite sure what I have planned for this painting , it keeps changing every couple minutes. After I accidentally erased the space needle i went ahead and sprayed the rest of the canvas with quick dry so maybe i can try again tomorrow when the paint wont pick up so much. Here it is so you can get sort of idea what it might look like.

 That is it so far for now, I am going to wait until it dries a little more so I can re paint the needle. On a side note, I had ordered some business cards a while back. I took a picture of them but never posted it. Nor have I really handed any out, I didn't paint for a while so hopefully I am starting on a good streak of painting. I forget how much I enjoy it. I am curious to experiment with acrylics maybe one day soon. I have a starter kit of acrylic paints, sometime i get impatient with how long oils take to dry. I wanna paint something over the background and most times it is to difficult because i keep picking up the underlying paint. But for the most part I usually like the end result. Picture of new business cards are below. Well I hope everyone had a relaxing day off, stay cool and sweet dreams friends..
   Jessica Renee

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Whimsical Dreams...

Well... finished my painting!! I aplogize for the quality of the pictures because I just snapped a few pictures with my I-Phone.  I am not entirely sure if I am finished with it and I still need to add a few finishing touches. It is still wet right now so i have to wait till the surface dries before i can do them. Let me know what you think or if any suggestions , or if you have an AWESOME idea for my next painting. I have already thought of a few. I have dfferent sized canvases laying around so not sure if I will do another larger one or a small one for a change. Well here goes nothing..

Well there it is! I was going for a Whimsical sort of look for this painting. On the boat it says " Anything is Possible." I will need to re-do that when the paint is not so wet, i am still picking up to much red with my paint brush. Hope ya'll like the painting, and I'll do my best to keep ya'll updated on what I'll be working on next and what I am up to . :)

                                       Jessica Renee

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One day at a time.

I don't know where to begin..  My focus has gone completely haywire since I last wrote on my blog. :) Not a good thing, but life goes on obviously. Once again, I am not working. Casually thinking about the idea of enrolling into college. Something I should do, but I am not looking forward to. The idea of going back to school frightens me , hah.

    In the next few months I hope to at the very least is to at least get the process started for going back to school for fall or winter semester. Paint some more and focus on my health and spiritual well being. The later being most important, then things should fall into place right?  Here is to thinking positive! New pictures of my newest painting will be posted in the next day or two, depending if I can finish it tomorrow or the next day. I wish everyone sweet dreams and to awake rested. Goodnight~~


Something pretty to look at.....~

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Been M.I.A.

Hello All!!  I know it's been so horrible of me not to write anything at all the past few months. I mostly feel guilty cause it's something I enjoy and I love painting and working on projects. But I momentarily got distracted with things. LIFE... got in the way.

       Enough of that... Anyways. My hubby now has a new job, doing the same thing. So we are getting back on track. I've painted almost every single room in my house a different color from reds, to greens, to bluish greens, to latte colors, and a yellow-orange.  Doing a little bit of experimenting as well.  So far I am quite happy with what I have done so far. I'm a little anxious to get the painting in the house done so I can get back to my actual art.  I'll include one picture of my kitchen for those who are not on my facebook. Keep in mind my kitchen is not finished. But here is what it looks like so far . :)

      On a side note my mother came and visited for about 2 weeks. I had so much fun with her and of course she spoiled me. :) ...  She helped me make a contained planter to plant my little garden in. I LOVE it!   Now I just got to wait for the plants to produce.  I love my mother and miss her but she had to go back home up North. I miss Portland at the moment too. I wish I could take a long weekend trip up there for a little escape.  Anyways, I will be working on the kitchen and my bedroom tomorrow so more pictures to come! Aww, I missed blogging!  So hopefully whoever reads this if anyone at all will be reading more of it! Till next time take care everyone.

                                                                       <3 Jessica