
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Feeling inspired and nervous

Well, I had a nice long 4 day weekend. Much of it was spent alone, but it's okay. My husband was on call for his job. He got called in alot, he is a good provider. I heart him so much!~

    Anyways, It's been a few days since I have last posted anything but that doesn't mean that I haven't been up to nothing !!!  Yes, I'll admit , I took alot of naps over the weekend , hehe . I needed the extra sleep. I painted a little bit, but mostly just sat around and sketched , " doodling " more ideas for paintings .  I am surprised with myself , in the last week I have released my inner creativity . It's exciting ,  and is inspiring me to paint more and more .  Usually,Ii search google for hours on end looking at other people's paintings, or photographs of exotic cultures and european cities.  I love painting people, women especially, I think women are beautiful to paint. I love painting animals, and landscapes, different cultures, flowers and more. One day I would like to paint portraits, and pet portraits. That would be cool.

     I love my new house so much and my new studio ( in process of being finished). Trying to make some cash from my job and selling paintings before I can be completely settled , but I love it just as it is right now.  Currently it's BRIGHT Green , one of my absolute favorite colors.  I feel inspired and energized whenever I see this room. Check it out so far!!

Isn't it so pretty and bright?! I adore it! One day soon, I will have a better easel , & a comfty chair to sit in. Cause sitting on the ground after a while my back starts to hurt!

I am getting pretty close to finishing a painting soon .  I have the canvas covered, and it's okay so far... I like it , but I can't wait until it is done and I see the finished result ! That's my favorite part.  I would have liked to paint more on it tonight but the paint is to wet .  I keep picking up colors I don't want to with my brush . So maybe by tomorrow evening it will be dry enough that I can continue. But guuuueesss what, I am going to give ya'll a sneak peek!

Trust me, it will look better when I am finished. Any suggestions, anyone? I like suggestions!

      Well it's been a long day and I have to go back to work tomorrow, bah !! Goodnight friends ~~

P.S -  Some of my paintings will be showcased tonight on, see my online shop at : , I hope that link works for ya'll! Sweet dreams!

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